Beta 2 Glycoprotein

What Is Beta 2 Glycoprotein?

Beta 2 glycoprotein is known as an autoantibody that is associated or related to improper clotting of blood. The autoantibody targets the lipid-proteins (phospholipids) wrongly. This layer of lipid-proteins is present on the outermost section of most cell membranes and platelets.

Beta-2-Glycoprotein IgG/IgM test is an ELISA (Enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay) test that pits the IgG and IgM antibodies to fight against the beta-2-glycoprotein, present in serum and plasma.

What Is A Glycoprotein?

Glycoprotein function is important to ensure that the cell membrane remains smooth and supple. The test is generally issued with other tests along with antiphospholipid antibodies, lupus anticoagulant and antibody.

Why Is This Test Issued?

The test is generally ordered for:

• To determine any of the causes of miscarriages

• To figure out the reason behind certain blood clot formations, like venous thromboembolism and thrombotic episodes

• It is also used as one part of the evaluation for Antiphospholipid syndrome, known as APS

Reasons To Take The Test?

The Beta-2 glycoprotein is ordered when people have symptoms of blood clots that show on their body. These include:

• Swelling and pain that extends to an extreme pain

• Breathing shortness

• Headaches

The test is also issued when women have recurrent miscarriages or when people display symptoms of the APS, including:

• Pre-eclampsia, which is a pregnancy complication

• Stroke

• Chest pain

• Headaches that are persistent

• Seizures

• Loss of memory

What Are The Preparations Required?

There are no real preparation rules for a patient to know, but it is always better to tell the doctor about any medications much before undergoing the test. This way, the results that come out are accurate and in line with any of the other complications that you may be facing.

Are There Any Samples Required?

Yes, you will have to furnish your serum or blood sample. This is generally collected with the help of a venipuncture collection of blood from the vein, more usually from the arm.

What Do The Results Convey?

The glycoprotein function test may indicate the presence of APS if the antibody test is in the positive state. Diagnostic criteria for any APS is generally based upon findings of a clinical nature.

If the beta-2 glycoprotein antibody is found out initially and again 12 weeks later in a person with APS, then it is more likely that the individual has the discomfort.

A negative beta-2glycoprortein antibodies test that is positive for other antiphospholipid antibodies also conveys that the person is suffering for APS.

If it is weakly or mildly positive, it means that it is due to some other reason and not because of APS.